Putting the Cart Before the Horse?

The Cart before the Horse
While major economies engage in trade disputes, West Africa faces a more fundamental challenge – building the infrastructure needed for sustainable growth. Without roads, railways, energy, and skilled labor, true economic development remains out of reach. Can strategic investment and long-term vision break the cycle?

Whilst the United States is about to engage in a somewhat pointless trade war with neighboring Canada but also Europe and China, the African continent is desperately short of basic infrastructures to put the continent on the right path to meaningful long-term economic development.

In the case of the African continent, and particularly west Africa, we are convinced that there cannot be long-term economic development without proper infrastructure to support it. It’s just not possible.

There is an urgent need for a leadership with a long-term vision and methodic investment program to drive development and by the same token resolve many socio-economic problems affecting its youth for example.

There are thousands of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisation) registered in West Africa, many of which do a great job in providing basic needs such as water availability in villages, in education, treating diseases, and all are noble deeds but we cannot help to wonder what could be achieved if their combined annual budgets could be pooled and invested into actual infrastructures.

Roads, railways, waterways constructions and maintenance; ports and airports management systems; skilled human capital such as engineers for example. But also waste and recycling management; energy; healthcare facilities and agriculture.

There is no doubt in our minds, if you cannot find the skills and expertise locally – import it, what matters is that the country’s economy develops, ensuring local workforce learns fast from transfer of skills for a generation at least. Forget personal and cultural differences, focus on the bigger picture; on the nation and on its people, there is no way around it for real economic growth.

Helping you to build success in Africa

We assist foreign companies and organisations that may not have previous experience in Africa.