Where else can you go and create new markets?

Looking to develop and invest into the wider African market? There has been no better time than now; African working classes are getting richer, the market now represents 1.3 billion people today and growing to an estimated 26% of the world’s population by 2050, (source UN) which cannot be ignored. Let BAC be your first step in the development of your marketing strategy in Africa, as we already have considerable experience with European and U.S. partner companies.
Throughout our daily activities, we are always on the lookout for new opportunities, such as existing products or even technologies we know are popular elsewhere in the developed world but not yet on our local market. This when we know there is a need, – but that the market isn’t aware about as yet, but that the market climate-conditions are right, this is what BAC identifies and where we come in. We will actively introduce your product or services and will help you drive any sales efforts or incentives. We will work with you in line with your sales and development strategy teams assisting you to navigate through the African market jungle! Up until now, we have taken on products relating to water extraction and purification treatments, building materials & equipment’s, road construction etc, because it seems to be the obvious choice and needed in significant quantities.
BAC is a well experienced airfreight negotiator albeit not broker, with many connections and sources throughout Africa, including Europe and the U.S.A. with our wide ranging partner companies and associates, so we can field, negotiate and arrange your air cargo needs and handling around Africa and the subcontinent, from logistics to ground handling traffic rights and over-flight permits, airport slots and physical ground handling also. BAC can advise you on these aspects and contact the relevant authorities to achieve this throughout Africa’s SAHEL region and beyond. We can if required send representatives to oversee your air operations at any of the regional airports ensuring that the in-place service are provided on time making sure you meet your schedules and deadlines.
BAC has more recently been involved in the business proposals for the acquisition and utilization of Drones (unarmed) or rather ‘Unmanned Arial Vehicles’ in the SAHEL region of which is an ongoing project for BAC. This in the acquisition & supply of UAVs to the various Security Forces or construction industry for use in any role from counter insurgency to surveillance, monitoring or for Agricultural applications. We will be exploring the needs also for construction sector of this valuable new upcoming industry tool in the SAHEL region of Africa and indeed the entire continent.
BAC assists companies both large or small on agricultural projects such as the setting up of large solar power fields in renewable energy along with the setting up of a network of Automated Weather Observation Stations (AWOS) that are linked wirelessly into a client’s own computer system or network server, thus providing up to date monitoring of agricultural projects also giving vital climatology information and weather trends.
BAC is an active supporter of green technology, renewable energy and related incentives and synergies. We are actively promoting Solar Power as an alternate & highly cost effective energy source. We source from various internationally recognised companies on the latest Solar Technology and its applications for the construction, security and agricultural industries in remote region, facets that have not gone unnoticed in Africa. For more information, please take a look at our e-flyer which is downloadable from our website here.